Monday, January 27, 2014

MONEY MONDAY : Week 4 of the 52 - week money challenge

I have a confession to make... I failed to put my 4th installment to the 52-week money challenge last Friday in my jar (which I keep in our office). I attended to a 10am meeting, a lunch meeting that lasted for almost 5 hours and had to finish something that was needed first thing on Monday. Left the office a little after 8 pm and was already waiting for my shuttle ride home when I realized that I totally forgot about my jar. 

So, the following day, after a little gym-pigout  session with my cousin Ken at Glorietta, I went straight to the office to work on something with our finance department and at the same time update my jar money.Today, I placed my 5th week installment since I will not report for duty for the rest of the week. January is almost over, and I can almost smell the next payday. I revisited my budget, or as I call it my money envelopes and it looks like financially speaking, January has been a good month.

I saw this interview with a former beauty queen and she explained that she uses money jars to manage her budget. Since jars are a bit bulky and I do not have tons of money to place inside, I decided to modify it and use an expanding envelope instead. 

I prepared a total of 9 envelopes, each representing an expense that I have to allocate money for, with a corresponding index card to monitor the flow of cash. Then I bought one of those expanding envelopes and labelled each division according to my expenses. So every payday, I withdraw everything from my bank account and divide my earnings. 

The amount of money I set aside for the monthly amortization of my housing loan.

That portion of my salary that I set aside to pay for my share in our electric bill.

I would allot a small amount. Something I can spend for little coffee chismis nights with my friends or any of those little unplanned dine outs. 

Toiletries, foodstuff, pens, books,  gym expenses... anything I would like to buy for myself... a dvd of a movie and some chips to have a movie marathon with my nephews.

My 2-week allocation for my expenses to go to work.

food for our cat Motmot, emergency fund just in case anything in the house needs to be repaired or bought, little gardening hobby expenses... stuff like that. 

The "thou shall not touch" envelope. I know I should have started with my retirement savings the moment I received my first ever paycheck, but it is never too late to start. This savings will ensure that I will have a lot of time reading a book while sipping an ice-cold glass of fresh juice when my knees are already too weak to walk while wearing 4-inch heeled stilettos.

"Travel brings power and love back into your life" - Rumi
Last year, I spent money I don't have to travel. I availed of a loan and now I am in debt. I am still paying, and will continue to do so for the next 12 months for that 21 day- US trip 3 months ago.  I am not saying that I will never do that again, but this travel savings will ensure that my next travel will not make me think about selling my kidneys. 

Whatever money I have allocated for other expenses that I did not spend. 

I do not have a budget for clothes, bags and shoes... because we are given a clothing allowance, if there is something I really really really want to buy, I will wait until the next payday to see if there was anything left for me to spend.. or maybe use the money I have set aside for coffee nights to buy a new blouse. 

So there. That is how I budget my money.  modify it according to how you spend your money, maybe fewer envelopes? or a few more to cover car amortization, or if you are strict about tithing or for the kid's school expenses. It does help in making you aware where your hard-earned money goes. 

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