Saturday, April 20, 2013

waking up on the happy side

Lately I have not been always sleeping on my own bed. Okay before any of you get any crazy ideas, what I do now requires me to go out of town to attend to clients. So in as much as I adore my warzone of a bedroom, I do have to spend one nighters somewhere. Not complaining here, a well-kept,clutter-free room,with a duvet-covered bed is a welcome treat. 

I have double size bed, which pretty much occupies a huge part of my room.  I sleep on the left side and my bedmate,Mac (last name: Bookpro) has claimed the right side. Funny though even on my out of town trips, I find myself sleeping on the left side, even if I do not have Mac with me. Nurturing the inner child's curiosity, I googled my way into my somewhat fixation of taking the left side of the bed. 

Turns out that some studies have been made and it proved that those who snooze on the left side of the bed wakes up with a more positive outlook in life. They are normally calmer, exudes more confidence and are more likely to be in permanent employment. 

Looks like I shall be staying on this side for good, unless of course I find myself sleeping with someone who actually wakes up and needs a little good mood... I will be happy to switch places. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annray! I've nominated your site for the Liebster AWard:
