Monday, August 4, 2014

KITCHEN ADVENTURE : toaster smores

Saw this on my cousin Ken's FB page a few days ago.

SMORES!!! & I decided to make some too, because I am naturally inggitera that's why! And also because I have always considered cooking a stress-buster. Maybe because with cooking I can feel a sense of fulfillment when I hear that what I made can be classified as "above palatable". Don't get fooled by the corporate-career-oriented facade, it may be a surprise to know that I am also domesticated. Just last week I cooked laing, and a few weeks back, fried Oreos.

After a long day, I was lucky enough to be able to hitch a ride with my colleague. So I got home home earlier than usual. Deciding I have done enough excel files for a day, I rushed to a nearby minimart and purchased the stuff I need to make my own version of smores for the first time. 

Smores is supposed to be chocolate bars with toasted marshmallows sandwiched between graham crackers. Chocolate bars is not a staple in our house, so I used chocolate syrup instead. Below are the ingredients I used:
  • graham crackers
  • marshmallows
  • chocolate syrup
  • cookie butter
I started with just 4 pieces of graham crackers. The first thing I did was to carefully cut the graham crackers into squares. Laid 6 graham cracker squares on a plate, the remaining squares were set aside. Next, I placed choco syrup on 3 graham squares and cookie butter on the remaining graham squares.

Time for something soft and fluffy.

Now let's see if these darlings are ready to take the heat...

Ours is a regular oven toaster which does not have adjustable temperature settings. Depends on the toaster's settings, I think toasting can be done between 3 to 6 minutes. Take the mallows out too soon and it may not melt, leave it too long inside and it might totally burn. Since this is the first time I am doing this, I made sure I watched the mallows closely. 

now we just place graham squares on top of these beauties.
Ok these may not be as pretty looking  as the ones in Ken's photo but the YUM factor is stupendous!

Made 12 smores in less than 20 minutes and now my sugar level has skyrocketed.  I am not sure  when I can finally shut my eyes and get some much needed sleep. 

Sweet night everyone! :)

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