Thursday, January 2, 2014

The 52- week money challenge

I gave my friend Mikah a bill organizer, a dainty little notebook that aims to track her expenses, bill due dates and the like.I used to hitch with Mikah, and during those short 20-minute rides, we discuss everything from girly stuff, to her little Chesca's misadventures even personal stuff like our finances. It is my little way of doing my part in helping her achieve our goal of being more financially stable. I attached a simple note to my humble gift that read:

" Here's something that will help you reach our goal #savings #paychecktopaychecknomore #ococvirgo I LOVE YOU (with pikit-mata feelings) "

I too need to re-allign my spending patterns, more so now that I have grown-up responsibilities like paying our house's mortgage and giving my share for our electric bill payment. While browsing, I came across . This 52-week money challenge got me curious and decided that I will give it a try.

Stuck at home mom prepared a jar for the money challenge. She saved a dollar for every week of the year. So for the first week, she placed a dollar in her jar, 2 dollars were placed on the second week, and 3 dollars on the third week. and as the weeks progressed, she added the equivalent dollar amount. 

She even provided this table to help track the progress of her savings:

After 52 weeks, she expects to save a total of $1,378 or something close to 60,000.00 in pesos (at 1USD= 43.50PHP). Being the neophyte saver that I am, I do not feel so confident that I can live up to the challenge of progressively saving 43.50 pesos every week. So instead I created my own table. which you can see below:

I plan to save 25.00 pesos every Friday starting on the first Friday of January. And as inspired by the stuck at home mom, I will also try to post a weekly update. I plan to post my updates every Monday, I intend to call it Money Matters Monday.I expect to get 34,450.00 the day after Christmas. I could use the money for our New Year Celebration as I intend to welcome 2015 with a bang! 


  1. Nice blog! Do you have any updates on how it goes? Thank you

  2. Hi Geena. Unfortunately I am a very lazy blogger and was not able to consistently post updates. I only got to update until the 12th week. :( You can see all my money - monday posts and hopefully can guide you through the process. Here's wishing you a prosperous 2015! Happy Saving! :)
